Henrico County Historical Society
PO Box 90775   Henrico, VA 23273   (804)501-5682   hchsinfo@yahoo.com
Open by appointment only

Henrico County Historical Society's motto, which is Preserving the Past in the Present for the FutureSkipwith Academy in Three Chopt District, Henrico County, Virginia.Log Cabin in Tuckahoe District, Henrico County, Virginia.Mankin Mansion in Fairfield District, Henrico County, Virginia.Dorey Barn in Varina District, Henrico County, Virginia.Bethlehem Church in Brookland District, Henrico County, Virginia.

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Our History

How We Began

Jean Nelson Gibbons, founder of Henrico County Historical Society.On November 17, 1974, about a month after the Henrico County Bicentennial Commission came into being, Mrs. Jean Nelson Gibbons was invited to a meeting of the Hanover County Historical Society by her counterpart, Dr. Bruce English, chairman of the Hanover County Bicentennial Committee. Mrs. Gibbons was so impressed with the Hanover Society that she determined to establish a historical society in Henrico County. When Mrs. Arie Brandon met with Mrs. Gibbons concerning the approval of a Varina Women’s Club’s Bicentennial Project, Mrs. Gibbons mentioned to Mrs. Brandon the need for a historical society in Henrico County. Mrs. Gibbons met also with Mrs. Louise Foley who offered her help. Three days later Mrs. Brandon offered the help of the entire Varina Women’s Club which had voted to give $50 for an initial mailing to interested citizens.

Mrs. Gibbons introduced Mrs. Foley and Mrs. Brandon by telephone. Mrs. Foley came to the meeting set up by the Varina Woman’s Club in the Varina Branch Library in January, 1975. Mrs. Foley came with the by-laws of the Goochland County Historical Society and the by-laws of the State Historical Society. That was the beginning! Mrs. Brandon served as temporary president and appointed a nominating committee as well as a committee to prepare the organization’s by-laws. The Varina Woman’s Club, throughout this organizational period, furnished many women-hours to help Mrs. Brandon. The chairman of the Board of Supervisors at that time, Mr. Eugene Rilee, suggested to Mrs. Gibbons that she give the name of Mr. Oliver J. Sands, Jr. to the nominating committee to serve as president because of his interest in history. In June, 1975, the Henrico County Historical Society was born. (Reprinted from The Henrico County Historical Society Magazine, December 1976.)

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Minutes From the First HCHS Meeting

A meeting to organize a historical society in Henrico County was held Monday, January 6, 1975 at 10:00 A.M. at the Varina Branch Library, sponsored by Varina Woman's Club.

Mrs. Joseph A. Brandon, Jr., Bicentennial and American Heritage Chairman, served as chairman of the meeting. There were 25 people present.

The Rev. Mr. Walter C. Whitt opened the meeting with a prayer.

Mrs. Brandon asked those attending to sign the register. She also asked for a list from each one of people interested in joining the organization to be formed.

Mrs. Robert Foley of the Goochland County Historical Society gave some ideas as how to start such a society; she also suggested that the society be called Henrico County Historical and Genealogical Society. Including genealogical in the name would bring more people into the organization; that a publication with a map of Henrico on the front (Henrico was called "Henricus" in the beginning); membership should not be restricted to county residents only; members should be interested in Henrico from earliest beginning to the present; that the 25 people present would be known as the organizing group of the society; dues would be used primarily for mailings and publications.


Mrs. Edward Gillaspie moved that the name of the society be "The Henrico Historical Society", seconded by the Rev. Walter Whitt. Mrs. Earlyne Leary amended the motion to read "Henrico County Historical Society", seconded by Mrs. Jean Gibbons. Amendment carried, motion carried.


Mrs. Ann Bourne moved that the society meet 4 times a year, seconded by Mrs. Gillaspie. Motion carried.


Mrs. Earlyne Leary moved that membership dues be 3.00 for individual, 5.00 for family with children under 18 years of age, 10.00 for annual support, 25.00 for annual sustaining, and 100.00 for life membership. Motion seconded and carried. Dues may be sent to Mrs. Joseph A. Brandon, Jr, until a treasurer is elected.

Suggestions for By-Laws Committee

Children under 18 years of age would be under family charter membership but no considered charter members at age 18. Mrs. Hall suggested that in order to keep young adults interested as members after reaching 18 years of age, a charge of 2.00 fr dues instead of 3.00 annually. Rev. Whitted suggested a Junior Memberhsip for school-age children.

First Meeting

Tony Mehfoud and Rev. Whitt will investigate the possibility of using county facilities for a meeting place. Mrs. Brandon suggested that the first meeting be held Sunday, March 2, 1975 at 3:00 P.M. General consent was given.


Mr. Robert Smart moved that Mrs. Brandon be named as temporary chairman of the Henrico County Historical Society. Motion seconded and carried.

The meeting adjourned.

Mrs. R. Sanford, Durrette, Jr. (Lois Ann)
Temporary Secretary

Approved 2/12/75

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HCHS Charter Members

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Aigner
Mr. and Mrs. Willson Aigner
Mrs. Julius T. Ames
Mr. Donald Tim Anderson
Mr. Ralph L. ("Bill") Axselle. Jr.
Mr. John Ayers, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton D. Bailey
Mrs. Calvin Carter Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin T. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ball, Sr.
Miss Anne Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Horace D. Baughan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew T. Blackwood
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bourne, Jr.
Miss Sara Bourne
Mr. Bruce W. Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Bowles
Mr. and Mrs. Shearer C. Bowman, Jr.
Mrs. Gladys M. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Boynton
Mr. Robert A Bracey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Brandon, Jr.
Mrs. J. Chambers Bristow
Mr. and Mrs. Samual F. Brown
Miss Dorothy May Brownley
Miss Martha S. Brownley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Browning, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Buker
Mrs. W. J. Burlee, Sr.
Mr. F. A. Burruss
Mrs. Cathette Plumer
Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Busbee
Mrs. Agnes C. Butzner
Mr. and Mrs. W. Seddon Canfield
Mr. and Mrs. T. Weldon Carlton
Mr. Charles Davenport Carrington
Mrs. Joseph Martin Casalett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Childrey
Mr. Langdon Taylor Christian, III
Mrs. Sue Booker Christian
Mrs. Joyce M. Clay
Rev. George J. Cleaveland
Mrs. Bertha N. Cocker
Mrs. Nell S. Connell
Mr. Joseph H. Cottrell
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Crenshaw
Mrs. Sheppard Crump
Mr. and Mrs John L. Deusebio
Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Devilbiss
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Dewberry
* Mr. Alfred T. Dudley
Mrs John B. Dudley
Mrs. Ralph H. Dudley
Mr. Richard Mcl. Dunn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. R. Sanford Durrette, Jr.
Mrs. Richard Ellis, IV
Mr. Richard V. Faglie
* Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ferguson
Mr. Junius R. Fishburne, Jr.
Dr. Marion W. Fisher
Mrs. Jean L. Flippo
* R. Adm and Mrs. Robert Foley
Mrs. Minetree Folkes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Edward Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Frayser
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Fussell
Mr. John Fussell
Mrs. L. Edward Galaspie
Dr. and Mrs. Shockley D. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Gaulding
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giannotti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Givens, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad L Graff
Mrs. Wilfred B. Gregory
Miss Grace Gulick
Mr. and Mrs. Leon P. Gulick
Mr. and Mrs. Leon P. Gulick
Mrs. Dewey M. Hall
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Hamilton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hammer
Miss Mollie P. Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad P. Harland
Mrs. Ann Hunter Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hart
Mr. Bernard J. Henley
County of Henrico Information Officer
Ms. Sarah A. Hickson
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hodges
Ms. Norma J. Hofheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Humphrey, Jr.
Mrs. F. M. Hutcheson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Inman
Mrs. Francis Deane Irving
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Ivey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Johnson
Mrs. C. Lawrence Jones, Jr.
Dr. Daniel P. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest T. Kinsey, Jr.
Mrs. W. Herbert Knowles
Mrs. Joseph W. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kohl
Mr. S. Wayne Kohlwes
Mr. and Mrs Dudley R. Lanthrip
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. LeHew
Mr. Terry LeHew
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lemon
Dr. and Mrs. Jason R. Lewis
Mrs. James R. Lindsay
Mrs. Kenneth E. Lorente
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Luck
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Luck
Mrs. Henry F. Lynn
Miss Judith Mann
Mrs. Mable B. Ware
Mr. Lee Marmon
Mr. W. Fain Marmon
Mrs. Dorothy W. Mays
Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Mays, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. McClain
Mrs. William A McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. Holowell McGeorge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McGregor
Mrs. Barbara McNamee
* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mehford
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meredith
Mrs. Miriam S. B. Miller
Mrs. Margaret L. Mize
Miss Helen Monteiro
Mrs. Margaret Moore
Mr. George H. Moody
Miss Juliet F. Moody
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mootz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morris
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Morton
Miss Maude Motley
Mr. S. Porter Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Nase
Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Nelson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Mason New
Mrs. Marion M. Newby
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Oakley
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Oakley
Mrs. Julian H. Osborne
Mrs. Waightes G. Ottley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Outland
Mrs. Roy Parks
Mrs. Beverly K. Patton
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pollard
Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Porter, III
Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Props, Jr.
Mr. William W. Props
Mrs. Cecile M. Quinn
Mrs. Emily C. Ramstetter
Mrs. Ann Richardson
* Mr. Mathew J. Robinson, Sr.
Mr. Robert L. Rose
Mr. and Mrs Craige Ruffin
Mrs. Steven Rogers Sammis
Col. and Mrs. Oliver J. Sands, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schesventer
Mrs. Herman A. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. J. O’Neil Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis B. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Shaw
Miss L. A. Shepherd
Dr. and Mrs. James Asa Shield, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Shiflet
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Slack, II
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Smart
Mrs. Ruben Snell
Mrs. Myrtle W. Staude
Mrs. Leslie Stickler
Mr. and Mrs. Bronson E. Stoneman
Mr. and Mrs. Gatewood Stoneman
Mrs. James E. Stoneman
Miss Marion Stoneman
Miss Susan K. Stoneman
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Stoneman, Jr.
Mrs. W. N. Stoneman, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs Earl H. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs T. Dix Sutton
Mr. Charles W. Sydnor
Mr. Alton L Tate
Mr. Howard W. Taylor, III
Miss Elizabeth N. Tompkins
* Mr. Linwood E. Toombs
Mrs. Dorothy U. Troubetzkoy
Dr. and Mrs. H. St.George Tucker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Turpin
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlton Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Veazey
Mrs. Elnora D. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walker
Mr. Robert E. Walker
Miss Betty Latane Walters
Mrs. James E. Walters
Mr. and Mrs. L. Carlton Ward
Miss Mary H. Ward
Mr. and Mrs Burnet L. Waring
Dr. and Mrs Harry J. Warthen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs James Wasiki
Dr. Elie Weeks
Mr. C. Frank Wentzel, Jr.
Mr. Richard B. Westin
Miss L. Annie White
Rev. and Mrs. Walter C. Whitt
Mr. and Mrs. G. Swift Williams, Jr.
Mrs. J. H. Williams
Mrs. Giles E. Wood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam G. Wood
Ms. Elizabeth G. Woodson
Mr. and Mrs. W. Russell Wooten
Mrs. Helen N. Wynne

* Denotes Life Membership - December 1976.

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