Henrico County Historical Society
PO Box 90775   Henrico, VA 23273   (804)501-5682   hchsinfo@yahoo.com
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Henrico County Historical Society's motto, which is Preserving the Past in the Present for the FutureSkipwith Academy in Three Chopt District, Henrico County, Virginia.Log Cabin in Tuckahoe District, Henrico County, Virginia.Mankin Mansion in Fairfield District, Henrico County, Virginia.Dorey Barn in Varina District, Henrico County, Virginia.Bethlehem Church in Brookland District, Henrico County, Virginia.

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News 2005, First Quarter

Message from Sarah Pace, President of Henrico County Historical Society - 03/15/2005

As I accepted the gavel from President Vee Davis at the annual meeting in June, I couldn't help but notice the inscription: Henrico County Historical Society, from Varina Womans Club, June 1, 1975.

We would not be celebrating our 30 year anniversary had it not been for the generosity of those ladies and we would like to again express our appreciation. In reading past newsletters, I see the same names appear over the years in different capacities. These same people serve with the same dedication today as they did then and we would also not be celebrating our 30th anniversary had it not been for them. I feel honored to follow in their footsteps.

As we celebrate our happy occcasion let us pause for a somber moment to remember the events of September 11, 2001. It has become part of history now. The details have been recorded so that future generations will know of our nation's terrible tragedy. Our thoughts also go out to the people of England in the aftermath of the recent bombings in London. One woman was quoted as saying, "We just pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off, and go on". A quote from Winston Churchill from the World War II era was very inspiring, "Do your worst and we will do our best." We are living today the history of tomorrow.

The last 30 years have seen so many changes and our County has grown from being predominately rural to a bustling metropolitan area. This has provided many opportunities and advantages to its citizens but we must be ever diligent in preserving our rich history. The Nuckols Farm Benefit / 30 Year Anniversary Celebration is a perfect opportunity to help preserve what is thought to be one of the oldest surviving structures in the County. It will be a wonderful community project. We cannot make this project the huge success it has the potential of being without your support. This project could be the first of many. There are other sites in other districts that would benefit from our combined efforts.

Join us, if you will, on October 9, 2005 for "An Afternoon in History at Nuckols Farm, Celebrating the 30 Year Anniversary of the Henrico County Historical Society".

Sarah Pace, President

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Results of Membership Survey - 03/15/2005

We asked our members to complete a survey. The results were presented at the March General Meeting and follow. We appreciated receiving feedback from our members.

There were 19 replies.

Suggestions for speakers and programs:

1. Tours and Museums
2. More historical places in County
3. Discussion of road-side markers
4. Different buildings in the County
5. Mr. Wesley Malcolm
6. Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
7. Historical Streets or areas ex. Staples Mill Road, Lakeside, etc.

In favor of paying a minimum fee to get better Speakers? 9 yes 6 possibly 1 no

Would you like for the Society to plan more tours? 16 yes 2 possibly 0 no
If so, where?

1. All over Henrico County
2. Lewis Botanical Gardens
3. Three Lakes
4. Museums, old houses, historic places
5. Henricus or ride-by tours of Henrico Historic houses and sites

Would you be in favor of occasionally changing the meeting day to take advantage of public facilities not open on Sunday? 9 yes 2 possibly 6 no

In favor of a permanent location for Society? 17 yes 2 possibly 0 no

Would you support or participate in fund raising Event? 12 yes 5 possibly 0 no

Suggestion for fundraising:
1. Call on phone and visit stores and Companies
2. Business and stores
3. (2) suggestions for afternoon tea at Walkerton
4. Open House

Are you familiar with the Intribute Program? 11 yes 5 no
Comments or Suggestions:
1. Very good
2. Memorials only
3. Only be memorials and in back of Newsletter
4. Don’t object to pictures- enjoy seeing who And what they look like

Suggestions for building membership:
1. Fundraising- advertise in paper and on Radio & TV
2. Spread the word
3. Need to get more members from the Tuckahoe District
4. Need more western county members
5. Ads in local papers- time, place, etc. of Meetings
6. Possibly putting a notice in the utility bill (monthly)
7. More publicity

Would you like to address any issues not mentioned?
1. Have food and drink at meetings More tours
2. Need to encourage officers to be open to providing training sessions for new officers to fill their positions.
3. How can the Henrico County Historical Support citizens in helping out to save a historical location
4. Display historical books in retail stores
5. Need more activities in Bryan Park

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