Piedmont Historical Society Conference - 04/09/2005
The Madison County Historical Society hosted the Piedmont Historical Society Conference on April 9, 2005. The Henrico County Historical Society had the most representatives with 10 attending. They were Sue Krimm, Margaret Childress, John White, Bee White, Gayle Davis, Margaret Thistlethwaite, Sarah Pace, Rick Pace, Catie Walker, and Nancy Merrill.
The HCHS Delegation waving from the van with Rick Pace (standing on left) as chauffeur.
HCHS will host the next Piedmont Historical Conference in April of 2006.
Lunch was served in the historic Kemper Residence (circa 1852), the post-war home of Confederate Major General James Lawson Kemper, who was wounded at Gettysburg and later elected governor of Virginia. The Madison County Historical Society has restored the home and it is the site of many fund-raising events.
"Preservation of historic objects" was the theme of the conference and there were three speakers. Mary Park Johnson spoke on preservation of paper and photographs, Steve Hoffman spoke on preservation of wooden furniture and Carol Nash gave a power point presentation on preservation as well as identification of Native American Artifacts.
The Arcade Museum as viewed from the rear entrance, operated by the Madison County Historical Society. On display was the Strode collection of Native American artifacts.
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APHA Updates On Nuckols House, Randolf Cemetery, Osborne Schoolhouse and Its Annual Meeting - 05/29/2005
The Association for the Preservation of Henrico Antiquities is pleased to announce that the County Of Henrico has purchased the Nuckols House (case no. C42C-04) for use as a park and possible museum, thereby ensuring the future existence of this historic property. For further information, see Nuckols House in Three Chopt District.
The Association for the Preservation of Henrico Antiquities is also currently working on a project to restore the Randolf Cemetery on Turkey Island, where some of the earliest settlers of Virginia are buried. The cemetery is overgrown with brush and has been damaged by recent storms. From the picture below, damage of the West wall looking South over the wall can be seen. A work day will be planned to clear the cemetery after which a wrought iron gate will be installed to provide better access. A grant has been issued to begin the project and a second grant will be needed to finish the project with another gate installed for maintenance purposes. If anyone is interested in participating in this project please contact:
Henry Nelson Tel. No.-(804)795-1673 E-mail- manels9@verizon.net
The Association for the Preservation of Henrico Antiquities will be also working on a grant to move the Osborne Schoolhouse to "Field Days of the Past" in order to preserve one of the oldest remaining schools in the area.
11/17/2007 Update: for further information, see Osborne School House in Varina District.
The Annual meeting of the Association for the Preservation of Henrico Antiquities will be held on June 16, 2005 at Henrico County Human Services Building, 8600 Dixon Powers Drive, 7 p.m. Please bring your favorite dessert to share. Visitors welcome.
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Henrico County Cemeteries Book Now Available for Sale - 05/29/2005, updated 08/15/2005
The Henrico County Historical Society is proud to announce Henrico County Cemeteries, compiled by Sue Krimm and Margaret Childress, is available for purchase. This book consists of 100 pages and includes lists of over 3,000 graves located in Henrico County. Many of the graves recorded in this book have been found in family cemeteries, long forgotten, where development has grown around previously rural areas. The research has demanded a dedication consisting of climbing over fences as well as walking through wooded areas to collect this data and then recording it on GPS so the exact location could be identified. This book is an important source for genealogical research in Henrico County. The book costs $20.00. Shipping and handling fees for a book sent within the USA is $5.00. Shipping and handling fees for a book sent internationally is $10.00. For more information, view our Shopping page.
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Vee Davis On the Ride of Her Life - 05/29/2005
What you’ve all been waiting to see!
President-Convener Vee Davis (center) and her husband Guy (left) riding an elephant on their recent trip to Africa.
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Henrico County Days at Citie of Henricus - 06/04/2005-06/05/2005
June 4th and 5th are designated Henrico County Days at the Citie of Henricus. All residents of the County will be admitted to the park free of charge on those days. The original settlement is now located in Chesterfield County with a portion remaining in Henrico. The park is a joint venture between the Counties of Chesterfield, Henrico and the City of Richmond. A discount for membership at Henricus Historic 30 Year Anniversary Park will be offered to Henrico residents with identification on June 4th and 5th to commemorate Henrico County Days.
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Help Save The White House Of The Confederacy Remain On Its Original Site - 5/29/2005, updated 11/28/2005
The https://richmond.com/ reported about the proposal to possibly move the White House of the Confederacy to another location. One consideration is to relocate it behind the Science Museum. Besides the information below, further information about the possible move can be found at the Museum of the Confederacy's website, https://acwm.org/, and Acorn (Alliance to Conserve Old Richmond Neighborhoods) website, https://www.betterhousingcoalition.org/how-we-help/neighborhood-revitalization, which gives more details on why the site should not be moved.
Update on White House of the Confederacy
The Virginia House of Delegates Joint Subcommittee has heard 3 of the 4 meetings scheduled to study the feasibility of the possible relocation of the White House of the Confederacy. At the first meeting, held on July 22, Executive Director of the Museum of the Confederacy, Waite Rawls, gave a power point presentation on the advantages of moving the White House for financial reasons. He explained that attendance was down as a result of construction and the ever expanding development of VCU.
At a second meeting, held on August 26, several speakers spoke against moving the White House of the Confederacy including Kathleen Kilpatrick, Director of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources; Cynthia MacLeod, Superintendent of Richmond National Battlefield Park; and Edwin J. Slipek, Professor of architectural history at VCU. Walter R. T. Witschey, director of the Science Museum, gave a presentation outlining the corridor of the Science Museum, behind which the relocation of the White House is proposed. Robert H. Lamb, Esq. with the law firm of Wright & Talisman resigned his position on the Board of the Museum of the Confederacy and he is adamantly opposed to its relocation. Two other speakers from the audience spoke against the move and only one spoke in favor of the move if something couldn’t be done to improve the situation.
The agenda of the third meeting held on September 26, included a report from VCU on their plans and the rerouting of Clay Street after completion of construction already in progress. Jim Matyke, of Expert House Movers, Inc., and Daniel D. DeYoung, of DJG, Inc., outlined the details and cost of moving the White House. The house would be removed from the bottom level and all exterior columns and adornments would be detached. The building would be moved up Clay Street and over to Broad Street entailing the closing of sections of Broad Street for two weeks with removal of power lines and stop lights along the way. It would also entail the removal of mature trees along the route. An estimate of $4,765,000 was given for this stage of the project with a rough estimate of 30 million dollars for total cost of the relocation. Assistance from the General Assembly and other sources would be required to finance the cost. Nita Parry, chair of the City of Richmond Commission of Architectural Review also spoke and emphasized that because the area surrounding and including the White House of the Confederacy has been designated a Historic District, a review of the plans to move the building would have to meet with approval with the Commission of Architectural Review. Ms. Perry stated that the only likely reason for granting approval of moving such a historically significant structure would be the threat of imminent destruction.
Because of the financial assistance needed for this project, the Joint Subcommittee has requested of Mr. Rawls an outline of other available options. The committee has also requested that the City of Richmond be represented in the decision making with an outline of its intent.
The last of the planned meetings will be held on Monday, November 21, 2005 2:00 PM, House Room D, General Assembly Building.
11/17/2007 Update: for further information on the preservation efforts that helped keep the White House of the Confederacy in its current location, see White House of the Confederacy.
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Henrico County Historical Society is 30 Years Old! Our Celebration Started In June, and Extends to October 9, 2005 for "An Afternoon in History at Nuckols Farm" - 06/04/2005, updated 09/01/2005 and 11/28/2005
Our June Celebration:
The Annual meeting will be held June 5, 2005 celebrating the 30 year anniversary of the Henrico County Historical Society. The location will be the Citie of Henricus Historical Park at 1:45 p.m. A box lunch will be served. If you have not received a reservation form for the box lunch please call John Ayres at (804)222-5959. If you do not plan on having lunch, the meeting will start at 2:30 p.m. with a tour of the Park afterwards.
If you would like to attend and do not have transportation, please call Sarah Pace at 285-8047.
It is a wonderful opportunity to explore the very beginning of Henrico County.

Visitors have an opportunity to stroll through a re-created Virginia Indian encampment and 1611 English City Center, as interpreters reveal the fascinating story of the English settlement along the James River and its relationship with the Powhatan Indians. Visitors will learn about many important people associated with Henricus, such as Sir Thomas Dale (pictured left), John Rolfe, and Pocahontas (pictured far left) as well as a series of successful "firsts" which took place at Henricus.
Visitors will also learn of the hardships and successes of everyday life in the New World for these brave and adventurous Englishmen.
Today the 1611 Citie of Henricus is being recreated in a new and exciting way. To best educate visitors about the important beginnings that occurred at Henricus in a compelling and dynamic way, the Citie is being rebuilt in seven educational venues, or "outdoor classrooms." Each venue will focus on one of the many beginnings that occurred at Henricus, and will include living history interpretation, buildings and gardens.
Visitors will move from one educational area to another in a chronological time sequence exploring 17th century life at Henricus. By highlighting beginnings within each area, interpreters will provide highly concentrated programs on various aspects of life at Henricus. Each venue will be separated from the others by an enhanced natural environment. This screening will give visitors an element of surprise as they travel from one venue to the next.
The design will dramatize the important beginnings of Henricus and provide an exciting adventure. This dynamic approach to living history will build enthusiasm and understanding for the events that took place here and the people that made them happen. Explore the City and learn how it began a unique way American way of life. (Reprinted in part from the Henricus Foundation Web site)
From I-95 (North or South): Take exit 61A (Route 10 East - towards Hopewell). Make a left at the first stoplight onto Old Stage Road (Route 732 North) and follow for 2 miles. At the stop sign make a right (before double railroad tracks) onto Coxendale Road (Route 615 East) and follow for 1.5 miles. Take a right on Henricus Park Road and follow to the Visitors Center parking lot.
From I-295 (East or West): Take exit 15 (Route 10 West - towards Chester) and follow for 3.5 miles. Take a right onto Old Stage Road (Route 732 North) and follow for 2 miles. At the first stop sign make a right (before double railroad tracks) onto Coxendale Road (Route 615 East) and follow for 1.5 miles. Take a right on Henricus Park Road and follow to the Visitors Center.
The June Festivities Extends Through October
Pictured are charter members from left to right, Henry Nelson, MargaretThistlethwaite, John Ayres, Betty Walters, Jean Gibbons, Alberta Stoneman, Dudley Lanthrip, and Virgtinia Liles.
What a pleasant surprise to have a visit from one of our founders, Jean Gibbons. Mrs. Gibbons was the Chairman of the Henrico County Bicentennial Commission, established in 1974. We would like to thank Mr. Richard Gibbons for providing the photos of this occasion.
The Nuckols Farm Celebration came about as a result of a planned development. There are two neighborhoods that connect with the Nuckols property, Graham Meadows and Gayton Station. Several of the residents that live in this area became involved in the proposed rezoning for development purposes and appealed to the County of Henrico to purchase the property in order to ensure that the historic property would not be demolished. The Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (HPAC) and the Association for the Preservation of Henrico Antiquities (APHA) also united to support this measure. David Kaechele, the County of Henrico Supervisor for the Three Chopt District, and J. Wesley Malcomb, Director of the County of Henrico, Division of Recreation and Parks, were instrumental in seeing this project through, as well as Norwood Nuckols, a descendant of the family. The developer, Skip Gelletly, was also very sensitive to this issue and the end result would have been quite different had it not been for his cooperation.
The Board of Supervisors for the County of Henrico voted unanimously to purchase this property whose history encompasses four centuries and future plans call for develpment of a park with possible use of the farmhouse as a musueum. It is a valuable gift to the citizens of Henrico County.
In addition to the adjoining neighborhoods, the surrounding area that originally was part of the Farm includes Our Lady of Hope Medical Center and Nuckols Farm Elementary School with Stranges Florist on the outskirts. The elementary school students will participate in our celebration. We feel privileged to participate in this wonderful community project. It will be a great contribution to present and future generations who may not know the history of farm life in Henrico County.
An Afternoon In History That Celebrated The 30 Year Anniversary Of The Henrico County Historical Society And The Restoration Of Nuckols Farm
Held on the 9th of October was a wonderful occasion and we have only to look at the list of volunteers that made it all possible to realize it was an entire community coming together to celebrate the rescue of a house from destruction that represents history dating from 1750 until the present. The Nuckols Farmhouse stands as a tribute to the generations who lived before and a legacy to the generations of the future.
We would like to especially thank First Vice President, Linda Dickerson, for arranging the entertainment, Diane Brownie for making the catering arrangements, April Sullivan for advertising, Michelle Keller for corporate liaisons, Ruth Ann Kramer and Vee Davis for handing out programs.
Elsie Nuckols · Mrs. Judy Beck · Mrs. Ruth Henley · L.D. Barker · Josiah Stanley, Jr. · Anna F. Meek · Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Causey Davis · Ada-Clarke Nuckols Davis · G. Durwood Nuckolls ·Audrae Aston
Ruth Henley · Malinda Koenig · Jim Ciska · Concept II · Pleasants Hardware · Mrs. Joseph A. Brandon · Plow & Hearth · Margaret Childress · Virginia Tourism Corporation · Food Lion Store no.853 · Mrs. Ruth Henley ·Hunting Hawk Golf Course · Richmond Braves · Tam-Bri Jewelry · Morris Lineado · Gearmax · Short Pump Town Center · Richmond Times Dispatch · Evelyn Hotchkiss · Emily Nuckols · Sarah Pace · Carolyn Corbin · Linda Dickerson · Sue Oley · Susan Bock · Louis Manarin · Carol Cook ·
John and Carol Beth Buchanan with Long and Foster Realtor · Sun Trust Bank · Strange’s Florist · Ukrops First Market Bank · Glen Allen Ruritan Club · Short Pump Ruritan Club · Dixon’s Auction and Estate Sales · Herbert Nuckols
County of Henrico Division of Recreation and Parks · Chris Gregson · Kim Sicola · Karen Perkins · Karen Mier · David Kaechele · Henrico County Community Band · Harrison Music · Shadowmoss Farm · Norwood Nuckols · Henry Nelson · Malinda Koenig · Jim Ciska · County of Henrico Fire Department · County of Henrico Police Department · Charlotte Melton · The Colonial Dance Club · Eddie Willard · Steve Dickerson · Trevor Dickerson · Brooke Dickerson · Rick Pace · Mildred Rudolph · Randy Kirby · Bill Jones · Party Makers Amusements · Joyce Fry and the staff at the County of Henrico Print Shop · Wes Malcomb · Our Lady of Hope Medical Center · Valery Robinson · Dudley Lanthrip · Sandy Lanthrip · John Ayers · Sue Krimm · Gayle Davis We would also like to thank the following publications that gave coverage for this event: Richmond Times Dispatch · Far West End Press · Richmond Magazine · Henrico County Leader · Henrico Citizen · Richmond Suburban Newspapers
Donations may still be made with checks written to Henrico County Historical Society and mailed to Nuckols Farm Fund, 2020 New Market Road, Richmond, VA 23231
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Dedication of Gravesite of William Duvol, Henrico Confederate Soldier - 5/29/05
Revolutionary War re-enactors at Rosehill Cemetery and Mausoleum in Chicago, Illinois dedicate the grave of William Duvol, who served in the Henrico Battery Virginia Militia. This unit portrays General John Lamb’s New York provincial artillery. (Information and photos provided by Clyde Novak, standing on right, top photo)
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Mary Lou Taylor Presents Painting To Brookland District Supervisor - 5/29/05
Henrico County Historical Society member, Mary Lou Taylor, presented Richard Glover, Supervisor of the Brookland District, with an oil painting she created of the restored Courtney Road Service Station located on the corner of Courtney and Mountain Road.
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