Henrico County Historical Society
PO Box 90775   Henrico, VA 23273   (804)501-5682   hchsinfo@yahoo.com
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Henrico County Historical Society's motto, which is Preserving the Past in the Present for the FutureSkipwith Academy in Three Chopt District, Henrico County, Virginia.Log Cabin in Tuckahoe District, Henrico County, Virginia.Mankin Mansion in Fairfield District, Henrico County, Virginia.Dorey Barn in Varina District, Henrico County, Virginia.Bethlehem Church in Brookland District, Henrico County, Virginia.

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News 2005 - Fourth Quarter

Henrico County Historical Society's Year in Review and a Glimpse of 2006 - 11/15/2005

This has been an exciting year for the Society. We have participated in three festivals and one parade. We have celebrated our 30 year anniversary and the rescue of Nuckols Farmhouse from development. Many thanks to the volunteers without whose help these events would not have happened.

This year also has seen the passing of one of our longstanding and dedicated members, Warner Jones Sr. I never saw Warner without a smile. He was a pioneer and leader of his time, always willing to share the wisdom and knowledge of his 92 years. His presence will be missed.

We are also very excited about the upcoming year. The Henrico County Historical Society will sponsor the Conference of the Historical Societies of the Virginia Piedmont on April 1, 2006. The location will be Henricus Historical Park. Be sure and mark this date on your calendar and stay tuned for more details.

As we prepare to celebrate the holiday, let us remember our troops that will not be home with their families. Henrico County once experienced war on its soil and many troops were far away from their homes. Some were wounded in battle and some contracted illnesses as a result of the conditions they endured. Included in this issue is a letter written on December 25th by one such soldier.

May the holiday and the New Year be a good one for you and your family.

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Hometown Henrico Photo Gallery - 11/28/2005

Henrico County will have an online photo gallery, Hometown Henrico, https://henrico.gov/rec/history/, exhibiting the history and development of the County. The gallery will chronicle life in Henrico County from the mid 1800’s to 1980. Images may include leisure activities, schools, churches, industry, local businesses, agriculture, road & land development, and special events. If you have early glass plates or photographs please help to recapture the past of a County that is constantly changing. The photos may be scanned for reproduction without any effect on the original. For information or to submit photos, call Kim Sicola at 501-5125 or e-mail sic@co.henrico.va.us.

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85th Anniversary of Women's Right To Vote - 11/28/2005

This year marked the 85th anniversary of the right to vote for women. The 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which became law on Aug. 26, 1920, gave women the right to vote in all elections.

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Walkerton Tavern in Brookland District, Henrico County, Virginia.

Re-opening of Walkerton - 11/28/2005

The County of Henrico has undertaken the renovation of one of its historic sites, Walkerton, located on Mountain Road. Extensive work has been done to make the structure handicapped accessible and it will be used by the public for receptions and other activities. Once used as a tavern to accommodate travelers, Walkerton will again open its doors to guests. It is scheduled to open for festivities in December of 2005.

History of Walkerton

Massachusetts native John Walker acquired a large tract of land on both sides of Mountain Road and had Walkerton built in 1825. Walkerton served as a tavern and was the twin of Walker's residence across the road. The tavern was equipped with a wine cellar, three ice houses, and a 20 horse stable to accommodate its guests. Some of the bricks were fired at Meadow Farm. Walkerton served as a tavern from 1828 to 1829 and again in 1853. The Hopkins family purchased the property in 1857 and lived there until 1941 when the building and grounds were sold to George and Ruth Bowles. The County of Henrico purchased the property in 1995 from S. Douglas Fleet who acquired it in 1986. Except for the few years it served as a place of lodging, Walkerton was primarily a private residence. However in addition to serving as a field hospital for wounded Union cavalrymen in 1864, the dwelling also functioned as a store, post office, and voting precinct.(County of Henrico) 11/17/2007 Update: for further information, see Walkerton in Brookland District.

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Historic Preservation Advisory Committee Awards of Merit - 11/28/2005

Historic Preservation Advisory Committee announced at its annual Awards of Merit Ceremony held on October 26, 2005 the recipients of 2005. The first Award of Merit for 2005 went to Ramona Anderson, Margaret Childress and Sue Krimm for their research and the publication of Henrico County Cemeteries. The second award went to Dr. Louis H. Manarin for the two-volume publication of Henrico County Field of Honor. Dr. Manarin is the only recipient to receive an Award of Merit twice. His other award in 1993 was for his publication of History of Henrico County.The third award went to Ronald E. Shibley, Corinne M. Shibley., H. Cick Smith, Sr., Marilyn D. Regan, and St. Joseph’s Villa for their restoration of the chapel at St. Joseph’s Villa.

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New From The Association For The Preservation Of Henrico Antiquities - 11/28/2005

Springdale Farm, before its dismantling.

President Henry Nelson reports that the Springdale farmhouse has been completely dismantled and is in protected storage. Plans are underway to approach Henrico to accept the house for future reconstruction at Dorey Park as a model farmhouse exhibit. The restoration of the wall surrounding the Randolph Family Cemetery is under construction and should be completed soon.

Also Henrico Antiquities is sponsoring the construction of a marker to commemorate the Naval Battle at Drewry's Bluff which took place in 1862. The next APHA meeting will be held on December 15, 2005, Henrico County Human Services Building, 8600 Dixon Powers Drive, 7 p.m. Visitors welcome.

For information contact:
Dr. Henry Nelson
Tel. no. - (804)795-1673
e-mail - manels9@verizon.net

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Glen Allen Day - 11/28/2005

Sheriff Mike Wade wearing outfit reminiscent of a 1600s prosecutor.

HCHS was represented by President, Sarah Pace for Public Day at Henricus Historical Park on September 17th. The day was filled with lots of fun filled 17th century activities.

Henrico County Sheriff, Mike Wade, participated in a mock 17th century trial and successfully prosecuted his case.

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Field Days Of The Past - 11/28/2005

By Trevor Dickerson

William S. Johnson.

HCHS member, Trevor Dickerson, the recipient of an HPAC Award of Merit, represents Short Pump every year at “Field Days of the Past” in Goochland County. You might recognize the name. He is the son of First Vice President, Linda Dickerson. Trevor, at an early age, began researching Short Pump and now knows about as much as anyone about the history of that area. Two buildings, originally located at Short Pump in Henrico County, were moved as a result of the widening of West Broad Street to Goochland County at the present Field Day of the Past property. Trevor spoke with Mr. William S. Johnson who had worked at Short Pump Garage.

Mr. Johnson in his own words:

“I worked for Berger Nuckols at Short Pump Garage in 1947 – 48. I was 16 years old. Forrest Henley, Guy Charles, (and) many (others) worked there also. I pumped gas and oil, changed tires with an old tire breaker like this one shown. I have many happy memories at Short Pump working for Berger Nuckols.” Inside the short Pump Garage building is the original refrigerator used at the Short Pump Store. If you ever visit Field Days of the Past, the building is much like it would have been and even has the original rest room. It truly is like a trip to “Days of the Past".

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History Month Proclamation - 11/28/2005

The Henrico County Board of Supervisors issued a proclamation designating October as History Month on September 27, 2005. President, Sarah Pace, accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Henrico County Historical Society at the Board of Supervisors meeting. Also attending were First Vice President, Linda Dickerson, Second Vice President, Gayle Davis, Trevor Dickerson, Margaret Thistlethwaite, Louis Manarin, Sue Krimm, Rick Pace, and Emily Nuckols.

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The Jefferson Ball - 11/28/2005

Linda MacDonald dressed for Colonial Dance. Linda Salter dressed for Colonial Dance.

The annual Jefferson Ball was sponsored by the Colonial Dance Club of Richmond at Belmont Country Club on November 5, 2005. Dance Masters were Linda Macdonald (left) and Linda Salter (right). Music was by Marty Tayler, Steve Hickman and Lynn Mackey. Catering was provided by Allsbrooks’ Catering.

The group meets at Overbrook Presbyterian Church, 2605 Dumbarton Road every Wednesday night from 8:00 - 10:00p.m.

The Colonial Dance Club of Richmond, established in 1977, is dedicated to the promotion and preservation of English Country Dancing.

Every dance is walked through before the music begins. A good time is had by everyone. It is good exercise, good fellowship, and it keeps the wonderful tradition of Colonial Dancing going. It is a dance for all ages and you do not need a partner. Visitors are always welcome. (By the way, everyone is invited to meet at O’Charleys Restaurant after the Wednesday night sessions for refreshments.)

Colonial Dance Club Practice, Henrico County, Virginia.Colonial Dance Club Jefferson Ball.

For information contact:
Linda Macdonald (804)744-3264
Linda Salter (804)266-7355

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History About Winder Hospital of the Confederacy - 12/18/05

Letter written by

Albert H. Patrick
Co E, 27 North Carolina Infantry
Raleigh, NC

Dec. 25, 1864

Camp Winder Hospital
Richmond, Va. Ward 21, 2nd Division

My Dear Wife,

I send myself to write you a few lines to inform you of my health. These few lines leave me very low indeed. I don’t think that I ever can recover any more. Hoping this may come safe to hand and find you and family all well. Dear wife, I want you to come see me one more time, for it will be the last time, and I want you to come as quick as you can if you ever want to see me any more. I have been sick about 8 weeks under the doctor’s care all the time. I want you to come. Show this letter to my father if you can’t come, tell him to come here if he ever wants to see my body any more. Dear wife don’t grieve for me. I hope to meet you in heaven. You must not forget to pray for me and yourself and try to learn the children to love the Lord, nothing more. Good-Bye my ever dear wife.

A.H. Patrick to Julia Patrick

My loving wife and bosom friend, the object of my heart. The time ever sweet I spent with you my sweet darling. Don’t grieve for me neither lament my remains for you will shortly come to me when we shall never part.

Mrs. Patrick,

You must come soon or you will never see your loving husband any more.

Your Friend, J.M. Mezell

Albert H. Patrick died Dec. 29, 1864, never to see his wife again. His letter was not delivered in time. He is buried in Hollywood Cemetery.

Vintage photo of Winder Hospital of the Confederacy.

Winder Hospital

This vast hospital complex was constructed shortly after the outbreak of the War at what was then called "western terminus of Cary Street." It was on land now east of the present municipal-owned William Byrd Park (which was then the training grounds known as Camp Jackson) with an annex in the park area to the south of the present Fountain lake and to the east of the Reservoir. The hospital's boundaries would be the present City streets of Winder, Amelia, and Hampton Streets, and Allen Avenue. To the north of Winder Hospital was Jackson Hospital with which it shared some of its activities. “The largest hospital in the Confederacy,” Richmond Whig 15 June 1864. Opened with a capacity in excess of 3000, it quickly expanded to 4300. Originally divided into five divisions, a sixth was added plus a tent division for an additional 700 patients. It had numerous natural springs, deep wells, large library, central register of patients, information house, cook-houses, bakeries, food-processing facilities, employees barracks, treatment and surgical buildings, warehouses, 125 acres of farmland used for growing supplies, recreational facilities, bathhouses, etc., provided regular transportation service to downtown, operated own river and canal boats. It had 98 buildings. Named for General John Henry Winder who was appointed 21 June 1861 as Provost Marshal and commander of prisons in Richmond. Dr. Alexander G. Lane, surgeon-in-charge. A fire 21 January 1864 destroyed 2nd Division with a loss of $50,000 but with no injuries or death. The hospital maintained its own well-equipped fire brigade. A volunteer force made up of attendants and patients under Lt. Col. A. S. Cunningham served actively at the Battle of North Anna. Later a battalion was former with Jackson Hospital under the Command of Dr. Major Chambliss that saw active duty in the battles of 1865. Formed February 1865 a company of Negro soldiers under Captain Grimes, which saw active service with those from Jackson. Used with Camp Jackson by Federal occupation forces as hospital and encampment area. Called Camp Grant. Western annex was headquarters and encampment for XXIVth Army Corps. Numerous of the former ward buildings still standing in the area and have been converted into homes, particularly on Powhatan Street. (Reprinted from Civil War Richmond Website)

27th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry

27th Infantry Regiment was formed at New Bern, North Carolina, in June, 1861, as the 9th Regiment. Reorganized in September as the 17th, its designation was later changed to the 27th. Men of this unit were recruited in Orange, Guilford, Wayne, Pitt, Lenoir, Perquimans, and Jones counties. It was assigned to General R. Ransom's, J.G. Walker's, and Cooke's Brigade. After fighting at New Bern, the 27th saw action in the Seven Days' Battles and at Sharpsburg and Fredericksburg. During the spring and summer of 1863 it served in North Carolina, South Carolina, and in the Richmond area. The unit continued the fight at Bristoe, The Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Cold Harbor, and later endured the hardships of the Petersburg siege south of the James River. It ended the war at Appomattox. It had 6 wounded at Malvern Hill, lost sixty-three percent of the 325 engaged at Sharpsburg, and had 2 killed and 13 wounded at Fredericksburg. Seventy percent of the 416 at Bristoe were disabled, and when the regiment surrendered, it had 9 officers and 103 men. The field officers were Colonels John R. Cooke, J.A. Gilmer, Jr., George B. Singeltary, John Sloan, and George F. Whitfield; Lieutenant Colonels R.W. Singeltary, Thomas C. Singeltary, and Joseph C. Webb; and Major Calvin Herring.

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